Carribean Surf Mecca in Danger | Salvemos a Playuelas


When we learned that bulldozers were illegally destroying vegetation around some of our favorite surf spots, we teamed up with the non-profit Salvemos A Playuelas to produce an impactful video. Our goal was to shed light on the issue of destructive permits obtained illegally by a private hotel company with the complicity of corrupt Puerto Rican government officials.

Recognizing the rapid pace of social media, we combined stunning aerial footage, striking graphic design, stop-motion animation, and stylized historical photos to craft a compelling and visually engaging narrative. This approach was designed to capture attention and drive action, urging viewers to sign a petition.

Our marketing strategies proved effective, as the video quickly amassed hundreds of thousands of views, helping us achieve our goals of gathering petition signatures and halting the construction. We’re grateful to local athletes like pro surfer Dylan Graves, along with videographers and photographers who joined the cause. Together, we made a significant impact, preserving a pristine coastline and protecting a vital nature reserve.


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